Friday, 12 March 2010


Okay, so, I was on my lunch today, when I read this article:

I’m a bit screwed, as actually, I’m happy it went how it did. Really, it’s for the best. See, Griffin likes to play the victim. He likes to play up the fact people pick on him to win votes. Though he said one smart thing.

“Today is a good day for British democracy”
Nick Griffin, BNP leader

Yep. Well done Nick. You’re right. First time I think I've ever found myself agreeing with the guy. But yes, if we had banned teachers from being in the BNP, we start on the road toward limiting democracy, and then of course, dictatorship, with one guy calling the shots. We can't tell people who they can/can't vote for. Not really.
I know The Police and Prison Officers can't be members of the BNP, but I think I can see/understand that.

However, while I agree with the governments' decision, I don't agree with the BNP's policies and views.
But, they need to exist, they need to have their say.

It's how democracy works.

Friday, 5 March 2010


How comes, the England Football Team Manager isn't English?

Sorry. I'm genuinely not racist. But, I don't understand how we hate the idea of immigrants coming over here and stealing our jobs/women/money/houses etc. when this is clearly one more job that could've been snatched up by a hard working Brit.

Just sayin'...

Edit: Sorry, making the sarcasm clearer for those that might not have got it first time round; Hard working Brit should have been 'hard working Brit,' and I should've really clarified that clearly we aren't sure what does or doesn't define a British citizen anymore. Not that you can really define it, as we're quite happy to emigrate elsewhere, to foreign, hotter countries when we feel the need, but just don't like people coming into 'our' country when it makes things a bit awkward for us.