Tuesday, 7 June 2011

A Note

"Dear neighbour/friend/probable Cambridge graduate/superior human being,

Thank you so much for that note you left on my car this morning. Without people pointing out my stupidity, sometimes I wonder just how I’d be able to drag myself out of bed every morning.

Your note kindly pointed out that “I should know better than to park here” which is a good, firm yet fair point. Unfortunately for me (and yourself) someone was parked in my space last night and, seeing as it was about one in the morning (maybe earlier, I often struggle with telling the time) and I was suffering from a severe case of “too tired to care” I saw this space just so happened to be empty along with at least one more. I decided to play rock paper scissors with the two spaces (best two out of three obviously, to make it fair) to try and assist me in making such an incredibly complex decision. Upsettingly, I kept winning against both spaces. After about ten minutes I decided that clearly I was some form of rock-paper-scissors god, so instead resorted to the tried and tested method of eenie meenie miney moe. This is when your space won. Or lost.

I did however have a brainwave, and decided to leave a note on their car;

Whilst maybe not as detailed or well written as yours, I feel the smiley face makes mine better. Do you like it? I think it gets the point across quite well.
As you can see, my handwriting is terrible, so I had to write this on the computer. It took about fifteen minutes to turn the stupid thing on, but I got there in the end.

Your note left me in tears this morning with your hurtful words, so I’d like to offer a truce:

I’ll do my best to not park in your space in future, but I would ask that you be kinder when you next leave a note.

Yours sincerely,


Yes, I was in the wrong, but they were mean!

And yes, I did put this on their car...

Tuesday, 22 February 2011


It just so happens that I am the world's No.1 procrastinator.
By writing this in my last post:

"I'm going to try and blog more"

Quite clearly I meant:

"I'll blog when I can be arsed"

which obviously means:

"when I've completed every single game I own, done my housework (About 10 times), sorted my bills out, Bought Christmas presents, wrapped Christmas presents, had Christmas, celebrated another year gone by, celebrated Chinese New Year, watched as the end of the world didn't happen, and done just about every other big, small, exciting, boring, difficult, easy, meaningful and meaningless activity I can think of."

I'll be honest, I've sat down to write this, unsure of what the heck I'm actually going to write (Which clearly doesn't bode well for the rest of this post, or the blog as a whole).
I had two options before starting:

-Delete blog. Carry on with life pretending it never existed and surrender to the fact that I have the ambition and determination of a WAG who left school at 16, tried college for a bit, realised A-Levels weren't "her thing", went into hairdressing, decided she was too good for it, and then ended up settling for a substitute on the reserves of a football team in the lower half of the Conference division.


-Continue blogging. Who cares if people don't read my blog, or do read it but only out of morbid fascination rather than genuine interest. If nothing else I can use this to look back and see how my views/interests/English skills have evolved. And to brain-fart when I'm annoyed. If I delete my blog now, whilst deleted from blogspot.com (Sorry, Blogger.com), it will sit in the back of my mind as a constant reminder as to how my willpower is as strong as the Panda's will to procreate.

More posts on their way, I guess...